St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
1002 S. Main Street, Williamstown, New Jersey
Rev. Tammy P. Harmer, Pastor
St. John's is a congregation rich in history, moving towards tomorrow with renewed vision. We invite you to worship with us. If you are looking for a church home in the Williamstown area, please consider joining with our St. John's family.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing;
It is the gift of God - not the result of works, so that no one may boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
St. Johns' Annual Charity Golf Outing
(click for sign-up form)
Our 23rd Annual Charity Golf Outing with be held
on Saturday, September 28, 2024
CLICK HERE for a sign-up form for your party
(up to 4 golfers)
Sponsors, Please click here!
Special thanks to all of our Hole Sponsors and prize Donors for your part in all of our previous outings!
In the past several years we have used the funds we raised to support our FREE Community Outreach Luncheons, which have been very successful, offering special meals and social gathering times for many guests.
1:00pm Start time
("Shotgun" Start)
Format: Scramble – Best Ball
Place: White Oaks Country Club, 2951 Dutch Mill Rd, Newfield, NJ 08344
Cost per Player: $100.00 / 18 holes.
Cost Includes: Dinner after most players are finished.
Special Features: Hole-in-One contest; Prize T.B.A.
Advertising Opportunities, and Hole Sponsorships, contact:
Ted Adams, 856-726-3462,
Joe Antonelli, 609-579-4207, or
Rich Oberle, 609-313-0500 or
or click here
Golfers Contact:
Joe Antonelli, 609-579-4207
or Click Here
* Proceeds from our annual Charity Golf Outing are applied towards our funding of our monthly Community Outreach Luncheons, which are free to all attendees.
Special thanks also goes out to all of our VOLUNTEERS who helped make everything run smoothy.
Dedicated in special memory Joe Zwaan, a dear friend and Member of St. John's, and tireless volunteer for our Charity Golf Outing in past years.